Our core purpose: Lifelong learning with God at the centre
Through God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
Everyone Successful Everyday
At Bisley Church of England Primary School we create a happy and secure learning environment, under-pinned by God’s love and guidance, in which the all-round development of the individual can be fostered.
How do we deliver lifelong learning with God at the centre?
Bisley is a place where knowledge, skills, spirituality and attitudes are developed to fit our individual children for a rapidly changing society.
We achieve this by educating the whole child; Body (head), Mind (the hand) and Spirit (the heart). We want every child to leave Bisley being the best they can be. Not just the best academically, but leaving being the best all rounded young citizen ready to take on the challenge of the world; ready to embark on a job that may not have even been invented yet.
Bisley C of E Primary is an open, honest and caring school underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. We are not afraid to try new ideas and think outside of the box whilst keeping God at the centre of everything by living out our gospel values. As a school we are honest in the way we share our school improvement and continue to consult with all stakeholders about how we can be the best we can as a school in order to serve our community effectively and successfully.
We prioritise pupil and adult well-being and mental health, as we believe that all can successfully learn and challenge themselves if they are happy and safe. Never standing still, we relentlessly look for ways to improve so that our community can have the best allowing everyone the opportunity to flourish.
Our Core Principles and Beliefs
-The children unequivocally lie at the centre of everything we do and every decision is made with the pupil’s best interests at heart. Our children only get one stab at primary education and it is our responsibility to give them the best we can.
- We promote safety and happiness of our children through our positive climate, nurturing Christian ethos, emphasis on the whole child and the high importance placed on safeguarding.
- We ensure that our lessons are engaging, active, meaningful and purposeful to ensure learners reach their full potential. We want pupils to challenge themselves to become independent and confident lifelong learners with the desire to move their own learning on.
- Through a Growth Mindset we encourage the children to be resilient and self-confident young people who can transfer learnt skills to other areas of their learning and life.
- High emphasis is placed upon creating a community that cares, is thoughtful and well-mannered. We treat others as we would like to be treated.
- The local community is integral to the school. We believe that we have a moral responsibility to demonstrate to our children the importance of community spirit and looking after each other. We actively encourage our pupils to go out into the community, to make a difference and to look out for each other.
'Education is not just about filling the pail but the kindling of the fire' - Plutarch
We promote the safety and happiness of our children through our positive climate, nurturing Christian ethos and emphasis on the whole child and strongly believe
'That with God ALL things are possible' Matthew 19:26
"We want every child to leave Bisley being the best they can be - the best academically, socially and morally."
Mrs McConnell, Headteacher
"Bisley’s distinctively Christian vision based upon Matthew 19:26 ‘Through God all things are possible’ is positively embedded in the school. This vision is clearly supported by the school’s strapline of ‘Everyone Successful Everyday’ and the values of hope, respect, courage and love.
The headteacher and her leadership team demonstrate a passion for the success and well-being of pupils at Bisley. The vision and values are central to leaders’ decision-making as they seek to ensure that every pupil is successful. Pupils understand the vision and the four core values and are very clear about how they help them in their academic work and in their wider school experiences. The vision and values are integral to the curriculum and enable most pupils to flourish both academically and spiritually."
SIAMS Report 2019
Our core purpose: Lifelong learning with God at the centre
Through God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
Everyone Successful Everyday
At Bisley Church of England Primary School we create a happy and secure learning environment, under-pinned by God’s love and guidance, in which the all-round development of the individual can be fostered.
How do we deliver lifelong learning with God at the centre?
Bisley is a place where knowledge, skills, spirituality and attitudes are developed to fit our individual children for a rapidly changing society.
We achieve this by educating the whole child; Body (head), Mind (the hand) and Spirit (the heart). We want every child to leave Bisley being the best they can be. Not just the best academically, but leaving being the best all rounded young citizen ready to take on the challenge of the world; ready to embark on a job that may not have even been invented yet.
Bisley C of E Primary is an open, honest and caring school underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. We are not afraid to try new ideas and think outside of the box whilst keeping God at the centre of everything by living out our gospel values. As a school we are honest in the way we share our school improvement and continue to consult with all stakeholders about how we can be the best we can as a school in order to serve our community effectively and successfully.
We prioritise pupil and adult well-being and mental health, as we believe that all can successfully learn and challenge themselves if they are happy and safe. Never standing still, we relentlessly look for ways to improve so that our community can have the best allowing everyone the opportunity to flourish.
Our Core Principles and Beliefs
-The children unequivocally lie at the centre of everything we do and every decision is made with the pupil’s best interests at heart. Our children only get one stab at primary education and it is our responsibility to give them the best we can.
- We promote safety and happiness of our children through our positive climate, nurturing Christian ethos, emphasis on the whole child and the high importance placed on safeguarding.
- We ensure that our lessons are engaging, active, meaningful and purposeful to ensure learners reach their full potential. We want pupils to challenge themselves to become independent and confident lifelong learners with the desire to move their own learning on.
- Through a Growth Mindset we encourage the children to be resilient and self-confident young people who can transfer learnt skills to other areas of their learning and life.
- High emphasis is placed upon creating a community that cares, is thoughtful and well-mannered. We treat others as we would like to be treated.
- The local community is integral to the school. We believe that we have a moral responsibility to demonstrate to our children the importance of community spirit and looking after each other. We actively encourage our pupils to go out into the community, to make a difference and to look out for each other.
'Education is not just about filling the pail but the kindling of the fire' - Plutarch
We promote the safety and happiness of our children through our positive climate, nurturing Christian ethos and emphasis on the whole child and strongly believe
'That with God ALL things are possible' Matthew 19:26
"We want every child to leave Bisley being the best they can be - the best academically, socially and morally."
Mrs McConnell, Headteacher
"Bisley’s distinctively Christian vision based upon Matthew 19:26 ‘Through God all things are possible’ is positively embedded in the school. This vision is clearly supported by the school’s strapline of ‘Everyone Successful Everyday’ and the values of hope, respect, courage and love.
The headteacher and her leadership team demonstrate a passion for the success and well-being of pupils at Bisley. The vision and values are central to leaders’ decision-making as they seek to ensure that every pupil is successful. Pupils understand the vision and the four core values and are very clear about how they help them in their academic work and in their wider school experiences. The vision and values are integral to the curriculum and enable most pupils to flourish both academically and spiritually."
SIAMS Report 2019
Our core purpose: Lifelong learning with God at the centre
Through God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
Everyone Successful Everyday
At Bisley Church of England Primary School we create a happy and secure learning environment, under-pinned by God’s love and guidance, in which the all-round development of the individual can be fostered.
How do we deliver lifelong learning with God at the centre?
Bisley is a place where knowledge, skills, spirituality and attitudes are developed to fit our individual children for a rapidly changing society.
We achieve this by educating the whole child; Body (head), Mind (the hand) and Spirit (the heart). We want every child to leave Bisley being the best they can be. Not just the best academically, but leaving being the best all rounded young citizen ready to take on the challenge of the world; ready to embark on a job that may not have even been invented yet.
Bisley C of E Primary is an open, honest and caring school underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. We are not afraid to try new ideas and think outside of the box whilst keeping God at the centre of everything by living out our gospel values. As a school we are honest in the way we share our school improvement and continue to consult with all stakeholders about how we can be the best we can as a school in order to serve our community effectively and successfully.
We prioritise pupil and adult well-being and mental health, as we believe that all can successfully learn and challenge themselves if they are happy and safe. Never standing still, we relentlessly look for ways to improve so that our community can have the best allowing everyone the opportunity to flourish.
Our Core Principles and Beliefs
-The children unequivocally lie at the centre of everything we do and every decision is made with the pupil’s best interests at heart. Our children only get one stab at primary education and it is our responsibility to give them the best we can.
- We promote safety and happiness of our children through our positive climate, nurturing Christian ethos, emphasis on the whole child and the high importance placed on safeguarding.
- We ensure that our lessons are engaging, active, meaningful and purposeful to ensure learners reach their full potential. We want pupils to challenge themselves to become independent and confident lifelong learners with the desire to move their own learning on.
- Through a Growth Mindset we encourage the children to be resilient and self-confident young people who can transfer learnt skills to other areas of their learning and life.
- High emphasis is placed upon creating a community that cares, is thoughtful and well-mannered. We treat others as we would like to be treated.
- The local community is integral to the school. We believe that we have a moral responsibility to demonstrate to our children the importance of community spirit and looking after each other. We actively encourage our pupils to go out into the community, to make a difference and to look out for each other.
'Education is not just about filling the pail but the kindling of the fire' - Plutarch
We promote the safety and happiness of our children through our positive climate, nurturing Christian ethos and emphasis on the whole child and strongly believe
'That with God ALL things are possible' Matthew 19:26
"We want every child to leave Bisley being the best they can be - the best academically, socially and morally."
Mrs McConnell, Headteacher
"Bisley’s distinctively Christian vision based upon Matthew 19:26 ‘Through God all things are possible’ is positively embedded in the school. This vision is clearly supported by the school’s strapline of ‘Everyone Successful Everyday’ and the values of hope, respect, courage and love.
The headteacher and her leadership team demonstrate a passion for the success and well-being of pupils at Bisley. The vision and values are central to leaders’ decision-making as they seek to ensure that every pupil is successful. Pupils understand the vision and the four core values and are very clear about how they help them in their academic work and in their wider school experiences. The vision and values are integral to the curriculum and enable most pupils to flourish both academically and spiritually."
SIAMS Report 2019