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Hawthorn Way, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9DF

01483 473341

Bisley C of E Primary School

Everyone Successful Everyday


Our School Policies

If you would like a paper copy of any of our policies please ask at the office


Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2025 -2026

Anti-bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Adverse Weather Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and safeguarding Policy

Children with health needs who cannot attend school

Complaints Procedure

Data Protection Policy

Designated Teacher Policy

Equalities Information and Objectives

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Finance Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Food Policy and Procedures

Governors Allowances Policy

Governors' Fund Policy

Health Safety and Welfare Policy

Home School Communication Policy

Home Visit Policy

Incidents involving abusive, threatening or violent adult visitors

Inclusion Policy

Infection Control Policy

Intimate Care Policy (Primary)

Intimate Care Policy (Nursery)

Lettings Policy

Missing Child Policy

Online Safety

Parent Code of Conduct

Relationship, Health and Education Policy

Relationship and Sex Education Policy

Religious Education Policy

School Uniform 2023

School Young Carers Policy

SEND Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Travel to School Policy

Uncollected Child Policy

Volunteer Policy and Application Form

Whistleblowing Policy


Staff Specific Related Policies and Procedures

Early Carer Teacher Policy

Grievance Policy

Lone Working Policy

Managing restructures and reorganisations policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Staff Absence Capability Procedure

Staff Absence Management Policy

Staff Code of Conduct Behaviour Policy

Disciplinary Policy & Procedure

Pay Policy

Staff Special Leave Policy

Teacher Appraisal Policy

Teacher Capability Policy and Procedure





Last update: 2024-05-20
Page Hits: 02199