

Applications for admissions to Reception in September

Please find below our admissions policy for our Reception intake.  If you would like to apply for a place for Reception please ensure that you apply online during the period the portal is open.  This is usually November to the middle of January.  You can find more details here on how to apply here:

Bisley Admissions Policy 2024 -2025

Bisley Admissions Policy 2025 -2026

Bisley Admissions Policy 2026-2027

Supplementary Form

Parish of Bisley and W-est End Map


In-Year Application Forms - Reception - Year 6

We will consider any in year applications if we have the space in the year group. If we have more simultaneous requests than we do places we will apply our some admissions criteria as in the policy above.  For clarification this is the criteria in order:

  1. Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children (see note i)
    2. Exceptional Circumstances (see note ii)
    3. Siblings of children who will be on roll at Bisley C of E School at the time of admission (see note iii)
    4. Children whose home address is within the boundary of the ecclesiastical parish of Bisley and West End (see note iv)
    5. Children whose home address is outside the boundary of the Parish of Bisley and West End (see note iv) where at least one parent worships regularly (see note v) at a CofE church and is on the church electoral roll in the following order of priority:-
    a. in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Bisley and West End b. elsewhere, for whom Bisley would be their nearest Church of England School (see note vi) which will be measured using a straight line as measured using the Admissions and Transport Team’s Geographical Information System.
    6. Children whose parents wish them to attend this church school.

If you wish to apply for admission for any year group you should complete an In-Year Application Form (IYA-SMA) and return it directly to the school, together with either of the supplementary information forms (above) if applicable. The Guidance Notes will assist you in completing the form.  

  • in year applicants are notified of the outcome of their application within 10 school days.

In Year Application From

School Managed Application Guidance Notes

Apply for an in year school place - Surrey County Council (

 Nursery Applications

 If you would like to apply for a nursery place please click on the nursery tab above for more information.  Please note that a place in our nursery does not automatically give you a space in our Reception cohort.  You must still apply online as detailed above.


If you need any help with admissions please contact our Admissions Officer, Mrs Fisher, on 01483 473341 or