Pupil Premium at Bisley 

How we support children who receive pupil premium

Bisley C of E Primary is an inclusive school and we work hard to support all children no matter their background. However, we do understand that children who are recognised as disadvantaged can be very vulnerable and may need additional support in order to help them be successful in school.

Ofsted and the DfE refer to disadvantaged children as those who are entitled to receive Pupil Premium.

The following information is laid out in two sections:

  1. How and when we receive additional money to support this particular group of children
  2. Our school’s strategy for meeting disadvantaged pupils needs fully


Which children receive Pupil Premium, what is it and when do schools receive it?

Pupil premium is an additional payment that the school receive for a child if they fall into one of the four following categories:

  • LAC: Looked after child - as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority
  • AFC: Adopted from care - Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order
  • FSM: Entitled to Free School Meals
  • EV6: Has received free school meals in the last 6 years

LAC and AFC payments to schools: These payments (currently £2530 per year) are portable and follow the child to which ever school they go to.

FSM and EV6 payments to schools: Every January all schools have a census and whichever school the child is enrolled in on census day will receive that financial year’s allocation (currently £1455 per year) but it is not portable. This means that if you start at a new school at the end of January, (after census day) the school will not receive the FSM or EV6 money until the following April.

*Please note that Service Pupil Premium is a separate payment of £335 per year– please see our separate Bisley Basics for details*

What is our strategy for meeting a disadvantaged pupil needs at Bisley?

We strongly believe that our pupils need to feel ‘Safe and Happy’ before they can ‘Learn and Challenge’ themselves – our priority is their well-being. This is especially true of our pupils who are classed as disadvantaged. When a child is identified as receiving Pupil Premium we will take the following steps.

1. We identify any needs a child may have using Maslow's Basic Triangle of Need (pictured on the right).  

2. Where possible we will identify if the child has had any Adverse Child Experiences as these could impact on mental health and well-being.

If all basic needs are being met and the child has no ACES then we focus on the academic side and look for any gaps in knowledge and begin to plug any academic holes there might be.

If there are gaps and/or ACES the Inclusion and Pastoral team then put a plan together on how best to support this chid to enable them to be successful in school. 

Examples of how we might support basic needs and ACES – our family approach:

  • Invite to Breakfast Boost: A free onsite breakfast club open to all who children receive pupil premium. Each child has a free breakfast (asked to donate a packet of cereals a month) and the opportunity to do homework/read to an adult
  • One to one or group sessions with our Pastoral Workers or our Mental Health First Aider: This might be to address a specific issue or to improve communication and social difficulties
  • Forest School intervention sessions: These can help boost self-esteem, confidence and worth whilst also being a lot of fun!
  • Foodbank: We are able to refer families our local foodbank; Bisley & West End Foodbank that parents can access three times a year and can give Foodbank vouchers. We also signpost so that families can become self-sufficient.

Details of exactly how we have spent our Pupil Premium allocation this year can be seen at the top right of this page


For full details of our Breakfast Boost which is open to all children who receive pupil premium please click here


Maslow's Triangle of Basic Need


Examples of Adverse Childhood Experiences