Foxcubs Nursery at Bisley C of E Primary School

Applications for September 2024

The nursery is currently full for September 2024

We are operating a waiting list for the academic year 2024-2025

If you would like to be put on the waiting list for the academic year 2024-2025 please fill in the application form on the left and send to  



Applications for September 2025

Applications for September 2025 are now open


If you have a question that has not been answered through our videos or information on this page please email the Headteacher, Mrs McConnell directly and she will reply personally to you. Your question and answer will be uploaded below for future information for others.

Please click HERE to watch a tour of inside our nursery

Please click HERE to watch a tour of the nursery garden

Frequently asked questions

Who is our nursery for?

The nursery is open to 2, 3 and 4 year olds.  We accept a range of funding options including FEET (15 free hours for 2 year olds), FEE (15 free hours for 3 & 4 year olds) and Extended FEE (30 free hours for 3 & 4 year olds).

We have three packages on offer:

  1. 30 hours - Monday - Friday 8.50am - 2.50pm
  2. 15 hours - Monday and Tuesday 8.45am - 2.55pm and Wednesday morning 8.45am - 11.30am
  3. 15 hours - Wednesday 12.10pm - 2.55pm and Thursday and Friday 8.45am - 2.55pm


As we are a school nursery children start in September and if we have spaces left we offer a January intake.


What wrap around childcare do we offer?

We run an Early Years wrap club which children in Nursery are welcome to attend.

  • Breakfast Club 7.30am - 8.55am 
  • Bisley +1 2.55pm -4.15pm All wrap around care must be booked and paid for in advance - see below.


What do I have to pay for?

**The government have announced changes that they are making to childcare funding.  You can find out more by visiting this website: Childcare Choices**


Nursery hours:

  • The term after your child turns 3 you will be entitled to either 15 free hours (this is automatic and you don't need to do anything) or 30 free hours for working parents (for which we need your 30 hour code).
  • Some parents are entitled to funding of 15 hours for two year olds or 30 free hours for working parents (for which we need your 30 hour code).
  • If you are entitled to 15  free hours you are welcome to apply for a 30 hour space but you will have to pay for the additional 15 hours per week.

Parents are not invoiced for free hours, only for hours you have to pay for. 

We charge £1 a day for consumables which we invoice parents for.

You will receive an invoice at the end of the previous term.  You can choose to pay in one lump sum or 3 x monthly instalments.

You are welcome to pay via BACS, Tax - Free Childcare or Childcare Vouchers.

If you have any concerns or issues with paying for the nursery hours or wrap around care please contact Miss Cook or Mrs Fisher directly


Wrap around care, school dinners and nursery voluntary subs:

if you would like to book your child in for breakfast or our childcare club after school then you have to pay for this separately.

If you choose for your child to have a school dinner in nursery rather than a packed lunch you will have to pay for this.

Wrap around childcare, school dinners and annual voluntary nursery subs are paid via Scopay. 

You will be given a code which will link Scopay to your child.  If you have another sibling/family member using Scopay then it will link accounts for ease. 

You cannot use Tax-Free Childcare or Childcare vouchers to pay for school dinners or voluntary subs.  

If you have any issue with your Scopay account or need the code sending to you again please contact Mrs Cook directly in the school office