Volunteers (parent and community volunteers) and work experience 

We welcome volunteers into our school to listen to the children read or help with other activities. We welcome parent and community volunteers and also take a number of Year 10 and 12 work experience candidates as well as college placements.

Safeguarding is a very important part of our school and it is imperative that we ensure our systems and procedures for accepting volunteers/work experience candidates into school is effective.  Therefore there is a clear three step procedure, shown below, for anyone wishing to help in our school.  

If you need help or support with any of the steps please do let us know.


If you would like to volunteer we ask you to do the following:

  1. Volunteers: please email admin@bisley.surrey.sch.uk  Work Experience: please write to Mrs Bamford a.bamford@bisley.surrey.sch.uk expressing your interest.  If successful you will be asked to complete an application form.    
  2. Once your application has been successful you will need to apply for a DBS.

    Please complete an  online DBS check using the instructions on the link below.  A volunteer DBS costs the school £10.  Where possible, we ask volunteers to pay this cost if they are in a position to do so.   Unfortunately if you already have a DBS from another setting you will still be required to complete one for Bisley Primary School unless you have subscribed to the update service.

    *If you need help with the DBS please contact Mrs Fisher admin@bisley.surrey.sch.uk*

  3. Before you can begin in school it is important that you complete the Safeguarding training for volunteers.  This training can be found following the link on the right.  *If you need help with the Safeguarding Training please contact Mrs Miles deputyhead@bisley.surrey.sch.uk*


If you have any concerns regarding this process please contact the Headteacher directly head@bisley.surrey.sch.uk 


If you would like to volunteer to be a governor at Bisley please contact the Chair of Governors governors@bisley.surrey.sch.uk