At Bisley we believe that children need boundaries and a clear set of expectations to help them behave in a positive way. We use the Bisley 5, which is a set of 5 clear expectations for wanted behaviour at our school.
Our Bisley 5
The 5 expectations cover all positive behaviours that we would like to see in school, including allowing others to be successful, looking after ourselves , others and the school and being respectful.
We stress to the children that the first and last statements are the most important. We want children to learn and to allow others to learn successfully but we do recognise that everyone can have a 'wobble' every now again. If something goes wrong then we want our children to feel confident to be truthful about what has happened.
Good to be Green
In order to help the children follow the Bisley 5 we use a scheme called Good to be Green. This is a behaviour scheme that many schools nationwide use and is not unique to Bisley.
How does Good to be Green work?
Each class has a wallet displaying the children's names with a set of cards above their own name. If a child follows the Bisley 5 their individual card remains green. If they choose not to follow the Bisley 5 then they are given a verbal warning by the teacher, which is usually enough to put them back on track. Sometimes children need a further reminder and if they choose to carrying on displaying unwanted behaviour after the verbal warning then their card turns to a yellow warning card. As soon as the child displays the Bisley 5 their card is turned back to a green card. If a child continues displaying unwanted behaviour after the yellow warning card then their card is turned to a red card and a consequence is given. Red cards are very rarely given out but are taken seriously. A consequence is always relevant to the child's age and unwanted behaviour.
Privilege Cards
The main reason that we love Good to be Green at Bisley is because children can earn Privilege Cards which it is a great way of rewarding children who are going above and beyond academically, socially or personally. If the teacher gives a child a Privilege Card then they also receive a raffle ticket which goes into the Privilege box. During Celebration Assembly on a Friday, Mrs McConnell picks out a number of raffle tickets and they receive a small prize from the gold box (pencil, rubber etc). The children love this, however we also record all the children who receive Privilege Cards which is a great way of monitoring behaviour across the school.
A consistent approach
The Bisley 5 and Good to be Green are used across the school from Reception to Year 6. The same expectations are in place in all areas of the school including classroom, assembly, lunch hall, outdoor games, at breaktime and lunchtime. As the children move from one class to the next expectations remain consistent which helps the children behave in a positive way.
At Bisley we are very proud of how our children behave and treat each other. They show great respect to their peers and adults alike and are only too keen to include a new child or to show a visitor where to go. Below you will find links to how Good to be Green works in Reception and KS1 and KS2. You will see very subtle differences in the wording between the infants and juniors. There is alos a link to our formal Behaviour Policy.
If you have any questions about the Bisley 5, Good to be Green or how we promote positive behaviour at Bisley please do ask. We would be more than happy to talk to you about it.
Pupils have very positive attitudes and they want to do well. They learn in a happy, safe and calm environment and this encourages them to behave positively. ' Ofsted February 2017 |
Our Bisley 5 and Good to be Green for Reception and Key Stage 1
Our Bisley 5 and Good to be Green Key Stage 2