Our Sports Hub


Our Sports Hub

Our Sports Hub is here to keep you updated with PE and Sports at Bisley Primary School. 

We acknowledge that being active plays an important role in children’s mental well-being.  Here at Bisley Primary School we pride ourselves on our commitment to ensuring that children are healthy both physically and mentally.


Many of you may have concerns or questions about how we are delivering PE lessons during these uncertain times.  First, we would like to take this opportunity to assure you that PE lessons are still going ahead and reassure you that every precaution necessary has been taken to ensure it is done as safely as possible.  We have developed our approach to PE in school, thinking about how we can continue to develop every child.  All classes participate in an Active Time every day.  This is not a PE lesson but an opportunity for the children to recharge their body and minds, thinking about working together with a skill focus.  Active Time lasts between 20-30 minutes and can be carried out outside or in the classrooms. 

We are continuing to follow the Real Legacy PE Scheme of work and all children participate in one PE lesson every week. 


Competitive Sports

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to play sports against other schools where physical contact may occur.  However, we are looking in to ways of competing with other schools virtually.  Surrey guidance is allowing us to continue with competitive sports within our school via Inter-House tournaments.  Our Year 6 House Captains are in the current process of planning these competitions and are creating videos to ensure that they can deliver their ideas to the school in a safe manner.  This will continue to happen throughout the year.