Family Learning

At Bisley we like to open our doors to parents/grandparents as often as we can.  We believe it is important for you to be as involved as possible with your child’s education and as a school we try and provide many varied opportunities for this to happen. 

During the first week of each month we hold our Family Learning Sessions.  Each month these take on slightly varying forms and often include family lunches, invitations to assemblies, parent workshops, Family Forest School, time with your child in the classroom and book looks. This gives parents and carers an opportunity to experience first-hand what primary school life is like and helps set your child’s learning in context.  Some of these sessions are suitable for pre-school children to attend but due to the nature of school many are not suitable. If this is the case we will always make this clear to you in advance.


We aim to offer two Family Lunches during the Family Learning week and we try and hold them on varying days each month to help those who have commitments during the week.  Parents and grandparents are very welcome to come to a lunch.  You will need to book and pay for your meal in advance of the day – details will be in the newsletter.  Please arrive at school for midday on the day of the lunch where a Year 5 will give you a visitor sticker and show you to the hall.  The Year 5 child will then go and collect your child(ren) from their classroom and meet you in the hall.  Whether your child is a school dinner or packed lunch you are welcome to join them by either ordering a meal or bringing your own lunch.  If you bring your own please remember that it must not contain nuts. 

For Safeguarding reasons we ask you to stay in the hall for the duration of Family Lunch and if you need  the toilet to use the staff toilets. Please remember you cannot use your mobile phone in school.  Regrettably we cannot accommodate pre-school children at our lunches.


Information from Family Learning Sessions

Year 3 Maths Games Spring 2020

Sharing Books Workshop 2020

